Saturday, December 22, 2012

Romans 2:1,2

Therefore you have no excuse, O man, every one of you who judges. For in passing judgment on another you condemn yourself, because you, the judge, practice the very same things.  We know that the judgment of God rightly falls on those who practice such things. Romans 2:1,2 ESV

The first thing we should notice is the word "therefore." This is important because it indicates that Paul is referring to something previous. If we look back to the verses before this, we see that Paul just spent a considerable amount of time driving home the point that lost man is absolutely corrupt in every sense...the heart, the mind, and all actions that come from them are corrupt. 

-who we are-
It is crucial that we have a healthy understanding of who we are and were. In our lost state we are everything that Paul described in Romans 1:18-32. When God saves us, He completely changes our heart and what it desires, and our mind follows. The thing that doesn't change is our sin nature, nature that we have as man that is fractured and broken. Once God performs this heart change, a battle begins - the battle between our new heart that loves and wants God, and our sin nature that is corrupt. 

Once we begin to grasp our background, how completely sinful and corrupt we are without Christ, and the battle that we now wage with the flesh, we can begin to see where Paul is going here in Chapter 2.  

 "you have no excuse, O man, every one of you who judges."

This sounds like a warning to somebody, so I think it's important that we make sure we understand what Paul is saying here, and who he is saying it to. The first thing we need to know is what does the word "judge" mean, because whoever Paul is talking to seems to be guilty of "judging."

judge: the Gr word translated judge means to distinguish or decide, but in a negative way - to avenge, condemn, or damn.

Paul's primary audience here is Jews, but this applies to any who lift themselves up to look down on others. I think there are two specific reasons that we must keep ourselves from being overtaken by a judgmental spirit.

1. We don't have the ability to see the true state of a person's heart. Someone's visible struggles with a particular sin may not reveal that they are condemned, but rather that they are in a fierce battle with the evil one, and instead of judgement they need lifting up, prayer, and encouragement.

2. We don't know just how deep sin runs in our own life. God has revealed so many times to me areas of my life where sin was hindering my relationship with Him and those around me. God is constantly revealing areas in all of His children's lives where sin needs to be dealt with. This is the process of sanctification, becoming more Christlike, and this will continue until the day we are freed from this sin nature.

For in passing judgment on another you condemn yourself, because you, the judge, practice the very same things.

In light of the two points above, and our understanding of who we all were without Christ, I think it's safe to say that the only way that we could possibly judge, condemn, look down on others because of their sin would be to ignore our own sin and lift ourselves up, filled with pride and selfishness. This was the problem with the Jews that Paul was talking to, and remains the problem with any self-righteous person today who fails to see his/her own sin while condemning others for theirs! 

Not only is this wrong, to attempt to pass judgement on others, but it digs a much "deeper grave" for those who knowingly do it. All sin is rooted in selfishness or pride - so when we condemn anyone for a sin committed, we are automatically failing to address our own pride and selfishness and as a result condemn ourselves.

If this seems like it doesn't apply to us, that should be an immediate red flag!

Therefore let anyone who thinks that he stands take heed lest he fall. 1Co 10:12

No one has arrived, nor will we arrive, at perfection until we are with our Savior in Heaven. Every one of us is vulnerable to any sin, including judging others, if we are not continually asking God to reveal our sinfulness to us, and praying for strength to continually purge these sins from our lives. This is an awesome and powerful draws us closer and closer to God while revealing the amazing power He has given us over sin! 

We know that the judgment of God rightly falls on those who practice such things.

Here, Paul encourages us to leave the judging to God. Those who deserve condemnation will be justly condemned. God is the only One who can judge according to the pure Truth. While this is encouraging to those who are saved, it is absolutely devastating to those who are not.

What are your thoughts on these verses? I would love grow with you through shared wisdom and experiences!

 Meanwhile, as God's children, let's all pray that God would shape us, mold us, and form us to be more like His perfect Son by continually revealing to us the areas in our life where sin is causing issues in our relationship with Him and with others. He has given us the power to purge this sin from our lives, we need to step up and address it!


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