When studying God's Word, context is so important. So we need to look back at what Paul wrote previously to understand the full meaning of this verse. Before Paul gave us his Old Testament references of man's wicked nature, he wrote verse this in verse 9:
For we have already charged that all, both Jews and Greeks, are under sin
Paul was explaining in a nutshell what he had been writing about since verse 18 in Chapter 1 of Romans - the universal sinfulness of man. Verse 19 today parallels what Paul wrote in verse 9, and then adds a serious truth that opens the door to the rest of Chapter 3.
Now we know that whatever the law says it speaks to those who are under the law,
There are two questions we have to ask ourselves when we read this line:
What is the law being discussed here?
This refers to both the written law handed down to the Jews through Moses, and the moral law written on the hearts of the Gentiles (as Paul has earlier described in Chapter 2)
Who is under this law?
All unsaved people are under the law - the law itself reveals our total imperfection in light of the perfect character of God.
This means that all people, across the entire history of the earth, have been under the law at some point. This is a very serious and tragic truth, because when one is under the law their condemnation is guaranteed. Jesus said in Mathew 5:18:
For truly, I say to you, until heaven and earth pass away, not an iota, not a dot, will pass from the Law until all is accomplished.
Jesus was speaking here of the fact that He didn't come to destroy the law but to fulfill it. In order for us to experience a relationship with a perfect and holy God, every bit of the law must be satisfied.
This is something that we as humans cannot do, and therefore must put our faith in Jesus and the fact that He was able to completely satisfy the perfect requirements of the law!
Fulfilling the law should not be viewed as performing rules and rituals, but rather living according to the perfect character of God - which is revealed through the 10 Commandments, the laws of the Old Testament, and the moral commands in the New Testament - and was lived out in the flesh by Jesus Christ.
It's also important to realize that, as Christians, we need to ask God where we transgress the law in our daily lives. Anything that is in opposition to God's character is sinful and needs to be addressed, as our relationship with God can't grow unless we are actively purging sin from our lives.
so that every mouth may be stopped
The fact that all people are condemned under the law removes any opportunity for excuses. We are all equally condemned, without any respect to who we are, where we are from, or how "good" we think we are.
I think that one thing we love to do as lost sinners (and even as Christians), is look around for someone who is doing worse things than we are - and then convince ourselves that we aren't really as bad as the Bible says we are. The Bible is very clear that there will be no excuses before God - every mouth will be stopped.
While every excuse will be laid aside, the Bible is also very clear about what every tongue will be doing:
for it is written, "As I live, says the Lord, every knee shall bow to me, and every tongue shall confess to God." Romans 14:11
and every tongue confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father. Php 2:11
By myself I have sworn; from my mouth has gone out in righteousness a word that shall not return: 'To me every knee shall bow, every tongue shall swear allegiance.' Isa 45:23
I believe that on the final day, all those who failed to put their faith in Christ will be unable to even muster any of the excuses that they relied on throughout their life. When they see God, in all of His Glory, they will only be able to bow in His presence - confessing Him as God - unfortunately too late to be robed in the righteousness and forgiveness of the perfect Lamb.
and the whole world may be held accountable to God
We need to understand that we will not be held accountable to our neighbor, our family members, our coworkers, or our brothers and sisters in Christ. We will be held accountable to the holy standards of an almighty God. The law reveals these standards by displaying the character of God - perfect in every way.
If we are all to be judged by the holy standards of God, according to His character, we can plainly see that we are all justly condemned. None of us - lost or saved - can live a life of perfection and righteousness. Even as Christians we will battle our sin nature until the day we die. This reveals our need to be washed in the blood of Jesus, who gives us His forgiveness and righteousness.
If our faith is in the finished work of Christ, on the day that we are held accountable to God, we will be seen as perfect and holy, righteous and without blemish, able to be in the presence of our glorious Father forever!
It's not a scary thing to be held accountable to God when we cling to blood of Jesus.
Next Post: 2.27.13
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